Our guide to what to do in the garden in December, including festive foraging and decorating, Christmas vegetables, winter maintenance and seed sowing. For many of us, December is a time to reflect on the year’s gardening, as well as thinking about what we’ll do differently next season, but there are also a few jobs you can be getting on with.

1. Christmas Tree:

Consider a potted pine tree for a sustainable and eco-friendly option. If you choose a pre-cut tree, repurpose it by shredding for chippings, using branches for plant supports, or for garden paths.

2. Christmas Decorations:

Create a festive wreath using garden-grown holly, ivy, crab apples, and pyracantha berries.

Use cuttings for mantle and table displays and add a sprig of mistletoe for a traditional touch.

3. Christmas Colour:

Bring festive colour indoors with amaryllis and hyacinths.

Plant these bulbs in your garden after the holidays for long-term seasonal colour.

4. Christmas Vegetables:

Keep the growing area weed-free for Christmas Day veg harvesting.

Check for pests and diseases and use horticultural fleece to protect crops from cold temperatures.

5. Pruning:

Prune dead, damaged, and diseased branches on deciduous trees.

Maintain overall shape and avoid heavy pruning. Prune vines, acers, and wisteria (cutting summer side shoots back to three buds).

6. Mulch:

Clear weeds and mulch all growing beds for protection from harsh weather.

Use bark chippings, leaf mould, or garden compost for a neat appearance.

7. Walkways:

Sweep away leaves and debris on paths and patios for safety.

Pressure wash to prevent slippery lichen build-up.

8. Snowfall:

Carefully remove snow from greenhouses, structures, and sheds with a soft broom.

Shake snow gently from plants to prevent damage. Avoid walking on frozen lawns to protect the grass.

9. Flowers:

Sow geraniums, begonias, and snapdragons in a heated greenhouse for an early start.

Use peat-free compost and water from below to prevent seed disturbance.

10. Herbs:

Sow indoor herbs like mint, chives, and dill in containers on a sunny windowsill for easy access.

If it's too cold outside, enjoy a cosy moment indoors with seed catalogues, a festive drink, and a mince pie. Create your gardening wish list for the upcoming year.

By following these tips, you can not only enjoy a festive garden but also set the stage for a successful gardening for 2024.

Sourced from Country Living