Looking at the latest data research by Homeowners Alliance, over the past six years, homes listed in October have taken an average of 64 days to sell. With this in mind, it now means that homeowners who want a sale agreed before Christmas should be looking to list their house for sale by the 20th October at the latest.

We've collated some top tips that can help you speed up a sale:

  • Instruct a conveyancing solicitor early and start pulling paperwork together now if you want to secure a quick sale.
  • Get your house ready for sale. If there are any issues that might come up in a survey and delay the move, consider fixing them now. As the winter months approach, make sure your home doesn’t look too dark – it is vital to let in light with lamps, candles and mirrors.
  • Let your estate agent take the lead at viewings and tackle any tricky questions.
  • Choose the right buyer – everyone wants to get the best price, but if you want to sell quickly as well then opt for a buyer who is proceedable.

Looking to get your home on the market ahead of the Christmas rush? Get in touch with your local branch now to avoid delays!